Kyberbezpečnosť, dotácie a nová smernica NIS2 v SR
K tejto téme sa konala virtuálna konferencia, “Kyberbezpečnosť, dotácie a nová smernica NIS 2 na Slovensku” ktorá sa uskutočnila v utorok 8. októbra 2024.Dozvedeli sme sa praktické rady od popredných odborníkov v oblasti kybernetickej bezpečnosti a získavania finančných prostriedkov z rôznych dotačných programov. Na konferencii prednášal aj pán Jaroslav Ďurovka, riaditeľ Národného...
Last week, the announcement of the winners of czech competition KYBER CENA ROKU 2024 took place in Prague and AXENTA was there. During the event, Radek Slaný had the opportunity to meet important guests - experts from the cyber community, especially from the Czech Republic.
The prizes were awarded in the following categories:
KYBER Organizace roku (Organisation)
KYBER Manažer roku (Manager)
KYBER Projekt roku (Project)
KYBER Talent roku (Talent)
KYBER Učitel roku (Teacher)
...and the novelty...
Kyberbezpečnosť v regiónoch - Košice 2024
The European Cybersecurity Month brings a wide range of educational activities. In Slovakia, we had the opportunity to participate in one of them - "Kyberbezpečnosť v regiónoch - Košice 2024" (Cybersecurity in the Regions). Ján Lichvár from AXENTA was not only in the role of a participant, but also a guest speaker during the event introducing topic "Don't be afraid of NIS2" and its impact.
Topics and trendsof the event:Current cybersecurity topicsIdentity ManagementAI-Driven PentestsMulti-factor...